“Can solar activity cause my muscles to be sore?”

Question: Can space weather—like solar flares and geomagnetic storms—cause my muscles to be sore, to be stiff, and to spasm?   Answer: Yes, that's a symptom. Imagine what happens when people get electrocuted: So much current passes through their muscles that those muscles clench and tense. That's what's happening when energy comes in: It passes … Continue reading “Can solar activity cause my muscles to be sore?”

Our aura is a tiny part of Earth’s aura

A gentle FYI for empaths, kids, and animals: Earth’s magnetic field (or aura) has fluctuated noticeably over the past several hours, largely because a stream of wind from the sun has arrived. Per the pictures below: the electron count dropped for hours; we’re in a geomagnetic storm (currently G1); the magnetometer reading went a bit … Continue reading Our aura is a tiny part of Earth’s aura

Are you an Empath during this period of global dying?

There is a lot of death happening on our planet right now.  It's not just people that are dying; it's many things.  Plants, trees, and animals are dying amidst the many fires, floods, winds, and earthquakes.  Old ways of doing things are dying.  Belief systems are crashing around us.  Paradigms.  Truths.  They are dying, too. … Continue reading Are you an Empath during this period of global dying?

Did you feel ill last weekend?

Many people have been feeling the effects of intense energy coming onto the Earth, since last Wednesday / Thursday. It has been manifesting as nausea, shakiness, headaches, pressure in the third eye, dizziness (or feeling like parts of your body or energy field are rocking), trouble sleeping--or sleeping longer than usual, and more. Continue reading … Continue reading Did you feel ill last weekend?

Are you feelin’ it? Here’s how to track it

Have you ever felt suddenly tired for no reason? Suddenly dizzy or lightheaded? Suddenly angry? Ever started to sob and you didn't know why? Perhaps the energy in your head felt like it was upside down...so you were dizzy as if drunk, but not spinning. It was truly as if your head was upside down … Continue reading Are you feelin’ it? Here’s how to track it