Last Chance: Develop your psychic and healing skills

Last day to join! Discover your psychic skills, learn to facilitate distant energy healing on yourself, and choose topics to work on—your health; your connection to spirit guides; and whatever is your physical, emotional, or spiritual priority. Get feedback and tips from myself and the group. We meet online once a month for six months, with homework done at … Continue reading Last Chance: Develop your psychic and healing skills

Compassion vs. “Poking and Provoking”: Aggression derives from wounding, and wounds need to be healed

At the root of every aggression is the same fundamental thing: An unhealed wound. A wound is the root of every aggressive energy, thought, and act. Period. Therefore, every aggressive energy, thought, and act needs the same single treatment: Healing. With healing needs to come understanding, compassion, and love. Here’s an example: In February 2019, … Continue reading Compassion vs. “Poking and Provoking”: Aggression derives from wounding, and wounds need to be healed

Solar and Lunar Eclipses: What happens, what it does to us, and how Occultists use the energy

This article unfolds in the following manner: What is an eclipse and how often do they occur? What are the two types (and six sub-types) of eclipses? About: Solar Eclipse – Qualities associated with the Sun – Mechanics of an eclipse of the sun – Energetic effects of an eclipse of the sun – Spiritual … Continue reading Solar and Lunar Eclipses: What happens, what it does to us, and how Occultists use the energy

Intense energy over Christmastime

This is a short post just to share that we received a lot of high-vibrational energy over Christmastime, particularly December 24, 25, and 26. Did you feel it? We did...big time. I spent Christmas Day on the couch feeling a lot like I was in labor. There were pains that needed to be breathed through, … Continue reading Intense energy over Christmastime

Our aura is a tiny part of Earth’s aura

A gentle FYI for empaths, kids, and animals: Earth’s magnetic field (or aura) has fluctuated noticeably over the past several hours, largely because a stream of wind from the sun has arrived. Per the pictures below: the electron count dropped for hours; we’re in a geomagnetic storm (currently G1); the magnetometer reading went a bit … Continue reading Our aura is a tiny part of Earth’s aura

The ecstasy within you

"If you have put God outside of you, [then] there’s nothing in you. And that’s why you’re suffering." The quote above was given to us by Yogi Bhajan, one of the yogic masters who taught us that we ourselves are God (or Source, or the Divine, or your personal preference for this concept). Continue reading … Continue reading The ecstasy within you

The power to change our karma

I’ve been dealing a lot lately with people who owe me something that I loaned to them with love. I’ve been trying to get it back, because too much time has passed. In response, I’ve been ignored, unfriended, blocked on Facebook, and my household has been the recipient of psychic attacks (be they deliberate or … Continue reading The power to change our karma

Did you feel ill last weekend?

Many people have been feeling the effects of intense energy coming onto the Earth, since last Wednesday / Thursday. It has been manifesting as nausea, shakiness, headaches, pressure in the third eye, dizziness (or feeling like parts of your body or energy field are rocking), trouble sleeping--or sleeping longer than usual, and more. Continue reading … Continue reading Did you feel ill last weekend?

Lightworker Journal: May 28, 2017

I sit in my new favorite place, my window seat. And all is quiet around me, save for the sounds coming from outside. The window is open two inches; enough for me to be part of the world. To watch it from my perch, two stories up, and hidden behind glass. I observe. Continue reading.

7 Spiritual Reasons Why People Are Mean

At 6:48am one morning, my phone received a text message.  Reading it, my heart hurt immediately; I could feel the depth of hurt that had generated this question: "Jen, why are people so mean?" I wondered what had already happened in my friend's day to make her ask such a thing. Continue reading.