August News: An event like no other

Happy August! How are you doing? For several months, I've been feeling impelled to share some information with you. It relates to the current/future Earth changes and what you need to do if you want to survive it—as gracefully as possible. There is an urgency here. The energy has been building since early spring, and … Continue reading August News: An event like no other

Energy Update: Strong energy hitting Earth–like nails on a chalkboard

The energies that have hit our planet in the last week will probably go down in lightworker history as some of the most disruptive energies that we have felt so far. It has been just awful on our external realities (physical life). It feels both totally exhausting and gratingly irritating. I’m usually so tolerant and … Continue reading Energy Update: Strong energy hitting Earth–like nails on a chalkboard

“What can we expect for 2022, spiritually and energetically?”

"What can we expect for 2022, spiritually and energetically?" I was asked this question, in the Monthly Healing Call of February 2, and felt that I should share my answer. For those interested, here it is. ~ Jen

Solstice and Ascension (short post)

Solstice is on Tuesday, December 21, and the energies are already making me think of the awakening/ascension journey. A big part of "ascension" (going higher) involves shedding low-vibrational, dense energy inside your energy body, and then welcoming in high-vibrational, refined energy. But integrating high-vibe energy into your body is really uncomfortable at times.     … Continue reading Solstice and Ascension (short post)